Improving access to justice in Sudan: a legal training workshop

A number of organisations convened a workshop on Improving Access to Justice in Sudan, which brought together lawyers, civil society representatives, human rights organizations from different regions of Sudan and representatives from the Judiciary, Ministry of Justice, police and military. As well as a representative from the international human rights organisation Interights to discuss strategies and options for improving access to justice for survivors of torture and other serious international crimes.

Participants discussed challenges within the local justice system to access criminal and civil remedies, including practical and legal obstacles in the investigation and prosecution of torture cases, and other legal impediments to the resolution of torture cases.

Participants also reviewed the applicability of regional and international human rights mechanisms and the potential role of international justice processes, including the International Criminal Court.

A range of ideas and strategies were discussed in the course of the meeting which will pave the way for continued efforts to improve access to justice in Sudan. Participants recognized the importance of joining efforts to realize an end to impunity in Sudan and justice for victims.

At the end of the workshop, participants agreed on a detailed plan of action to be implemented in the near future.